EASS Ltd | Ensuring your success
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Ensuring your success

Our Operating Guideline


Experience is a valuable commodity.  In our journey through successful deliveries for all our clients, we have kept a track what works, what doesn’t work – what entities are liable to pop up, and most importantly how to circumvent them in order to bring home the win that we were commissioned to get.  

To us, the knowledge of how to win is born out through experience – and those lessons, and secrets are passed through our team to ensure success deliveries time after time.


Technical competence is a must in the application of security, quite simply nothing less than cutting edge expertise is required. It is not however limited to technical adeptness… For us here at EASS, the envelope of expertise extends to expert analysis, expert project management and an array of soft skills that support our leading knowledge on security, that ultimately leads us to being experts at getting you the result. 


The are many roads to implementing security solutions. There are installations that are merely fit for purpose, some that are well designed and well installed….but in the business of safeguarding, monitoring and safety overall, nothing short excellent should be the benchmark. Excellence is something that requires commitment – a steady focus on delivering class leading solutions end to end – no stone unturned. This is baked into how our teams operate – its our DNA.

Some projects that we are proud to have delivered

…..and many many more

“We are only as good as our last delivery – which means every single job absolutely must be meticulous.  Quality is something to be delivered, and is manifested by experience, expertise and commitment to excellence” 


David Neal, Founder