EASS Ltd | Delivering integrated security solutions.
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With over 80 years of collective experience, EASS has repeatedly been a go to provider for the implementation of premium security installations, and also fully packaged end to end deliveries, from consultation through to implementation.


Our expertise is sought after from tier one integrators, deploying large scale solutions into blue chip environments.  These include Access Control, PIDS/Intrusion Detection, Networks, CCTV, ANPR, Alarm systems and all things security related.


We also have specialised experience delivering the same integrated security solutions into hospitals, care trusts, the education sector, and councils.

How we do what we do

Implementing successful projects is a process that is much like making a cake – you quite simply, must have the right ingredients if you want to get the result on the other side.


Implementing security projects is no different.  Find out what those essential ingredients are based on our 20+ years of experience.


We work closely with you and carry out research to understand your needs and wishes.